About us

Founded in 1979, the company initially installed and built telecom satellite ground stations. For ESA it has designed a simulator for telephony switching in the sky and has built on-board electronics and high-efficiency power supplies for the XMM satellite that was launched in the year 2000 for a mission of 5 years, and which is still active, 24 years later.
In 1991 the Sparnex Engineering group developed world's first DSL chipset, which allowed high speed digital transmission over existing copper lines that were until then only used for voice communication. This technology enabled rapid growth of the Internet and GSM networks.
In 1996 the company launched the first fully programmable ITU-T copper loop network simulator LSX 2025 to simulate all properties of cable networks. The LSX simulators are the industry standard to test ITU-T interoperability and performance of broadband access modems. Sparnex is the only company that develops and manufacturers this type of simulators.
In 2003 the test & measurement activities were consolidated under the Sparnex Instruments brand, a spin-off of Sparnex nv.
Over the last 15 years the company has become deeply involved in the on-going development of next generation digital transmission technologies such as ADSL, ADSL2plus, VDSL2, and Vectoring. As an active contributing member of the Broadband Forum (BBF) https://www.broadband-forum.org/ Sparnex defines new test setup and simulation platforms according the ITU-T standards. The company is now focusing on the next big step: the G.fast technology that is running over existing copper networks at a speed that is faster than what is provisioned for each subscriber over fiber, and thus the ideal complement for next generation broadband networks.
The Sparnex broadband transmission chipsets address the nextgen Internet and Ethernet infrastructure needs. They are designed to provide the highest bitrate over longest possible distances with minimal installation time and cost to meet the rapidly growing demand. The company is developing and testing Internet and Ethernet enabling solutions for Telecom Operators and Industry with dedicated top ranking transmission silicon/chip implementations that serve and anticipate the challenge of a huge global demand for digital network access and services. The Sparnex brand stands for innovative broadband over the existing infrastructure. Over the last 40 years our team of experts has realized an impressive list of hardware and software solutions of broadband interoperable products. Sparnex chipsets are outstanding cores for reliable broadband communication products that comply with international ITU-T and other standards.
Nobody believes I am running at 2 Gbps
and It is hard to believe that it's not fiber
Copper may be buried
but it is definitely not dead

High Speed Broadband Technology ……
providing a new twist in copper !

Sparnex nv
Kielse Vest 35
B-2018 Antwerp